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Anna from Ukraine

In a small town in Ukraine, I lived a life full of sunshine and laughter. My name is Anna, and I was just an ordinary girl, with dreams as big as the sky and a heart filled with hope. My days were simple, filled with school, friends, and playing in the fields near our house. Mama would often call me in for dinner, and her voice was sweet and gentle.

One day, everything changed. The news spoke of trouble, of conflicts far, far away, but soon, those troubles came to our doorstep. I didn't understand all the words, but I felt the fear in Mama's eyes and Papa's tight hugs. They said we had to leave, to go far away to a place called Greece. I didn't want to leave my home, my friends, or my little room.

The journey was long and scary. We traveled by buses, boats, and sometimes on foot. I remember the cold nights and the strange sounds of unfamiliar places. Mama kept telling me stories of Greece, of the bright sun and the blue sea, to keep my spirits up. But inside, I was scared and missed home terribly.

When we finally reached Greece, everything was so different. The language sounded like music I couldn't understand, and the streets were full of strangers. We stayed in a place with many others like us, all sharing stories of their own homes and journeys. I made a friend, Maria, who taught me a few Greek words and shared her toys with me.

Slowly, I started to see the beauty of this new place. The sea was indeed as blue as Mama had said, and the sunsets were like paintings in the sky. I started going to a new school, and while it was hard at first, I began to enjoy learning new things and making friends.

But even as life became a little easier, a part of me always longed for Ukraine, for the familiar streets and the fields where I played. Sometimes, at night, I would close my eyes and imagine I was back home, safe and sound.

I know now that the world is big and sometimes scary, but it's also full of kind hearts. My journey from Ukraine to Greece has taught me about bravery, hope, and the power of dreams. And no matter where I am, I carry a piece of my homeland in my heart as it is a reminder of who I am and where I come from.